The vision for Brainerd Baptist Church was born in the heart of a dedicated layman who saw the need in our community and worked in concert with other Christians, under God’s leadership, to fulfill that vision.
Brainerd Baptist was officially organized into a church in 1928 and moved into its current location in 1929, stating that the “supreme purpose of this church is to evangelize and build up the spiritual life of this section of our great city, and to assist our sister churches in sending the message of salvation to the ends of the earth. Our church must go and grow and glow and you must help make it so.”
Since its birth, Brainerd has been a church known for delivering God’s Word, discipling believers, and deploying the church on mission.
We have planted two churches. The first was S. Seminole Baptist Church, which became a fully-independent church on September 27, 1955 with a membership of 171. The second was the Frawley Mission, established in 1959. It is now called Frawley Baptist Church.
Today, our church meets on three different campuses (Chattanooga, North Georgia, and East Ridge). Our Chattanooga campus has two venues: the sanctuary venue and the BX venue. While we worship on multiple campuses and in different venues, we continue to be one church family bound together by a common vision and strategy.
Each week our church family gathers together in authentic worship centered around God’s Word which is delivered through expository messages. Our pastors aim to explain the point of the passage and then apply that point to the life of our church. Throughout the week, small groups of our church family gathers together in Life Groups to study the God’s Word, fellowship, pray, and hold one another accountable. And all around the world you’ll find members of our church family serving on mission from the Scenic City to the nations.
We are committed to our vision and to one another. Our members have covenanted together for this purpose (CHURCH COVENANT).
Theologically, we are guided by God’s Word. Our church family holds to the Baptist Faith and Message
Committed to the Delivered Word
The greatest desire of a follower of Christ should be to hear from the One he or she follows in order to be more like Christ. We hear from God when we study His Word privately, communicate with Him through prayer, and gather with other followers of Christ corporately in authentic worship. During the weekly gathering of believers, we listen to the preaching of God's Word, offer the Lord our praise through song, and give of our resources to advance His kingdom.
Committed to Delivering the Word
The follower of Jesus has been entrusted to pass on the truth of God's Word to others. As we receive the Delivered Word regularly and consistently, we pass it on through sharing of the gospel and teaching others what we have learned. As we grow in our understanding of the Word of God, He leads us to greater obedience by sharing the truths of His Word with others.
Committed to Discipleship in Community
Discipleship cannot be accomplished in isolation. God intended His people to gather into bodies called churches. Committed followers of Jesus publicly profess their faith through baptism, join together with the church through covenant membership, and participate in discipleship through a Life Group. Relationships developed in a Life Group facilitate community through the application of God’s Word and the accountability to obey it.
Committed to Discipleship at Home
Parents are the primary disciple-makers in the home. Kids and Student Ministry help equip and supplement the discipleship of children by their parents. Our annual marriage conference is also meant to enrich and strengthen the marriages of followers of Jesus in our church family. Other ministries to men, women, and college students purposefully mature each member of the home as we all seek to be more like Christ through intentional discipleship.
Committed to Deploy Locally
The first place of service for a follower of Jesus should be in his or her local church. This service could vary from teaching to caregiving to greeting to driving a golf cart, but God’s Word teaches us that every member of the church family should be involved in serving within the church family in some way. We also serve locally by helping those in need and partner with other churches and organizations to meet specific needs within our community.
Committed to Deploy Globally
The Great Commission calls us to make disciples of all nations. The fulfillment of this call can happen both locally and globally. We serve local refugees as the nations come to live geographically near to us. We also serve those geographically far and with little to no access to the gospel.
About Brainerd
Our vision at Brainerd is helping those who are far from God become committed followers of Jesus from the Scenic City to the nations.
This vision leads to an obvious question:
What is a committed follower of Jesus Christ?
A committed follower of Jesus Christ is someone who believes in Christ alone as the only hope of salvation, submits to God by obeying his word, is empowered by the Spirit and growing in biblical community, and demonstrates their faith by showing and sharing the love of Christ from the Scenic City to the nations.